Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Beautiful Error

One Of All is My Name
Ok. start with smile in front of my laptop. like this----> :) 
Everyone in the world do anything to get the happiness and success. Though everyone has different perception think about that. maybe for one person happiness and success that is get much money, good car, house. or maybe for others happiness and success is get the good  Job. it's depend on you, on everyone.

Talk about the Job. I have a the most unique and not forgotten experience about it. last morning on 7th February 2013 at 08.00 o'clock P.M. I went to Wahana Bakti Post Building. Not for send a packet for someone trough post media. But I came for Interview test. yap 'The Interview test".

Let's I bring you to the flash back situation. Last Tuesday on 5th February 2012 at 20.00 o'clock P.M. I got one message in my mobile phone. That message from my friend Syifa, I believe you don't know her :D. it's ok. She gave me information about the Presenter Casting in one new Television's Media.that is Mediatama Net.  "bring value Transcript, photo, CV, Pencil and ID". well spontaneously I answer "Yes I will join that audition".